Safety In Kosovo – Security In Kosovo

Even though Kosovo has been through war, it is still a relatively safe country to live and to travel. There are low chances for conflicts and destabilization Kosovo because of its supervision by NATO peacekeeping troops and International Police Forces.
The main responsible safety bodies in Kosovo consist of the NATO led Kosovo Force (KFOR) and the local police which are assisted by the international police. The reliability of electricity, telecommunications and the water systems has improved to a great extent compared to past years. The Kosovo Police Service normally performs regular police functions and duties and is constantly assisted in such tasks by professional international officers.
Kosovo Security Force is established in 2009 and it has a non-military mandate in four competencies: Search-and-Rescue, Firefighting, Demining, and Hazardous Material Response.
Nearly all of the cities in Kosovo are considered safe as they possess fairly low rates of crime and violence. However, those visiting the northern area of Kosovo should have more caution for the reason that the situation in the city of Mitrovica is still quite tense.
In general, people from each community of Kosovo are very friendly and hospitable. Since the war of 1999, there are foreigners who live/ in Kosovo.
Emergency Situations
The number to be dialed in cases of any emergency requiring the ambulance is 194, police is 192 and fire services is 193. 112 is the all-in-one emergency number. In cases of non-emergencies, any local police stations may be contacted.
Regarding medical emergency, some of the most known hospitals for internationals are:
American Hospital: 038 221 661; 044 503 255 for all emergencies, including ambulance service, cardiac and vascular emergencies.
University Clinical Center: Tel: 038 500 600 ext 2341 or 3572
International Istanbul Medicine Hospital: For cardiac or vascular disease only. Tel. +381m-500-601.
Air ambulance is available for individuals and businesses through service contracts. Depends in the situation, air ambulance may offer assistance in non-contract basis:
SOS International: Tel. +44 208 762 8008 (London),
Global Rescue Services: Tel. +1 617 459 4200 (US)