
Kosova has a pretty interesting nature. It is situated between the very old mountain range of Rodopes and the newest mountain range of Dinarics, because of this we can find here all types of geologic rocks, from the oldest to the newest.
As a result of these natural conditions we can find in this very small region many natural rarities and very interesting natural phenomenons, like thermal and mineral hot-springs near the city of Peja, in a small place called Banja e Pejes(Peja Baths).

From the town of Peja (population around 125000), going west and following the river-Lumebardhi you will enter the magnificient canyon with the name of Gryka e Rugoves.
New ski center in the village of Boge-Rugova Valley, some 33km from Peja, offers a low-cost skiing in a beautiful suurondings.

In central Kosova, near the small town of Klina, there is a well known and amazing Mirusha-Canyon and waterfalls. Brezovica is probably the best ski centre in the entire region. Situated near the border with Macedonia, some 30 km away from Prizren.
Surrounding mountains are mild, not as sharp as some parts of the Alps, and a nice place for taking long walks.